It quickly brought to mind an Oscar-nominated thriller from 1995 called Naked Souls, starring Pamela Anderson. While I don’t quite remember the plot (it wasn’t really the focus of the movie), I faintly remember there being twins involved who switched places when the men were least suspecting and it confused the hell out of everyone (especially, I gathered, ol’ Pammy). Is this what the Morris brothers are doing? Are they in fact the Morris triplets and one gets a week off every couple of weeks? If so, that would be worse than injecting calves’ blood. How can we catch them at this? …
What I propose is that one of the Morris brothers gets a face tattoo akin to Mike Tyson (gold teeth optional). That’d solve it.

In other news, David Hicks got married this week. His twin brother, Mark Bosnich, was in attendance.

Oh mercy, you've done it again G Man. I haven't looked at the stats yet, but they're both faster than Paul Harragon, who is faster than Albert Fulivai, who is faster than Steve Turner, who is faster than El Magic. Htime
ReplyDeleteI'm sure many league fans have wondered about the potential for some shenanigans and hi-jinks based on the uncanny likeness of the Morris boys. I sure have.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of the movie you recommend (although I once saw a film called Topless Souls, was that a prequel?). The movie that comes to my mind when I watch the Morris boys is Face Off. Now that is a classic (albeit probably not Oscar-nominated) which starred John Travolta and Nick Cage. The idea is that players can swap faces by advanced surgical means.
I have asked myself on more than one occasion whether Adam McDougall and Bryce Gibbs have swapped faces. It is uncanny isn't it. I also doubt that either of the Morris brothers really are even Morris brothers - if you think about it neither looks much like their dad Steve 'Slippery' Morris or their mum Jenny.
Of course this line of thinking can be taken to extremes, so in the interests of common sense I propose an honour system whereby we count them as who they say are, until proven to be Fine Cotton.